Home » Bel-Air actress Cassandra Freeman
Cassandra Freeman

Bel-Air actress Cassandra Freeman

by Sonal Shukla

Cassandra Freeman is a film, television, and stage actress in Brooklyn. She received her MFA from NYU’s Tisch School, where “the molecules seemed like home,” after first enrolling in a local arts high school in Jacksonville, Florida, where Cassandra Freeman was born. Working directly with experts like scientists and lawyers, Cassie is a communications consultant and teacher. She has lectured at regional universities and given guest lectures at Vassar, the New York Film Academy, and Rutgers, where Cassandra Freeman covered the subject of acting and production teamwork. After graduation from NYU, Freeman experienced three important life events at once: her father’s death, the breakdown of her engagement, and booking her first role in Spike Lee’s Inside Man.
One of the most well-known sitcoms of the 1990s, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, began Will Smith’s career before Men in Black. The show made a comeback on the Peacock Network on Super Bowl Sunday as the contemporary drama Bel-Air, with Smith serving as Executive Producer. The familiar characters of young Will, Hilary, Ashley, and Carlton, as well as Uncle Phil and Geoffrey the Butler, are explored in greater depth in this more complex program. Aunt Viv is portrayed by Cassie Freeman, Cassandra.
We talked to Cassie, a mother of a three-year-old boy named Hudson, about the new show, parenting a young child, and her 20-year career (Cassandra Freeman previously starred alongside Denzel Washington in Spike Lee’s Inside Man, Chris Rock’s I Think I Love My Wife, and many other roles.

Which scene did Cassandra Freeman enjoy filming the most?

My favorite was Donald Glover’s performance for Atlanta. BRILLIANT, Donald Glover, listen up! It was only him, Zazie, me, and the guy who played my husband that night, and I will never forget it. The sequence was quite straightforward. When Cassandra Freeman discovers that Donald Glover’s character’s cousin is a rapper, my character laughs him off and says something to the effect of, “don’t worry, we all have low lives in our family,” because she considers herself to have “advanced” from anything urban and hip hop. I adore that scene because it shows how Donald Glover tried to capture an experience that only a small portion of people ever get to be a fly-on-the-wall witness to. Black people and black women do exist that are like that. For the first time in my career, I didn’t feel like I was portraying a character that everyone had seen before.

Congratulations Cassandra Freeman on the new program—why is Bel-Air now the perfect time?

The moment has always been perfect for material that truly captures what it means to have a loving family that will support you and believes in you, and having that content wrapped in African-American skin enhances that. I wish more programs examined families and what it meant to give up things for the family.

What will the original show’s viewers think of it?

The wealth of the Banks family will be what people are most familiar with. People will be shocked by these characters, yet they will feel familiar overall. This reads more like a diary entry of these people’s lives than a sitcom where the dialogue is like a dinner party chat.

What do you believe gives someone confidence?

Wholeness. For me, being wholly oneself is the key to being entire. Finding that takes work. Therefore, you must look for safe spaces where you can be that. I’ve made it a point to select the best company for myself. They inspire me, and they inspire me. You don’t feel as insecure if you’re with people that feed your fire. And when you have that, everyone around you celebrates all the traits you first thought may make you weak as your superpowers. Being around people who value you and want to see you improve is essential for your overall well-being.

Who is the source of your Aunt Viv’s inspiration?

I have a background in theatre, so it’s common for me to portray a role that another actor has already performed. These characters were created by Janet Hubert (the original Aunt Viv). Thus it would be difficult not to mention her. But in reality, Jada Pinkett Smith and members of my family who have achieved great success and live in luxury remain rooted in their communities.

When Cassandra Freeman in a bind, what do you do?

I’ve just emerged from a new impasse. We continually discover new ways to become stuck, but the solution is typically the same. There must be some physical activity. It might contain music. I experienced a low point and a funk when my child was a year old. There’s no need to be depressed right now, I reasoned. I have so many wonderful things happening. I, therefore, confided in my husband, who also serves as my doula, saying, “I think I need to get my adrenaline going.” I, therefore, began kickboxing. And normally, I give anything new. I attempt a thirty-day commitment. There is clarity after thirty days. I have practiced yoga and maintained.

What was it like to work on Bel-Air alongside Will Smith?

He’s been the best co-producer ever…
He has played a significant role in confirming that we are on the correct course at every stage. We received a lot of flexibility and kindness from [the producers] along the road.

Do you have any tips for working mothers?

I extend a lot of grace to myself. FaceTime, play games, email each other and interact with those videos when I have long days on set. Please show me the dinosaur bones wherever you are right now, he’ll command. I’ll also discover something that resembles a dinosaur bone! I’m still a part of his regular activities. His routines—bedtime, luncheon, reading time—all the elements that give life a sense of stability—are maintained by his hidden dad and nanny.

Do Cassandra Freeman have any advice about traveling with a young child or living on two coasts?

We reside in Brooklyn, but I work in Los Angeles. Since my son is just three, I deliberately chose to reside in a Los Angeles neighborhood with children. He also has access to soccer, karate, and our neighborhood in Brooklyn. I put it in a frame with him and told him how fortunate we are to have two homes and live close to a beach in California and a pier in Brooklyn! I frame situations with phrases like “this is so exciting.”
Regarding travel… Since he was six months old, he has been on the road. He realizes he will be taking a plane when he sees his yellow backpack being packed. He wears headphones and has his favorite snacks and beverages inside his dinosaur bag. He views the time spent on an airline as play and TV time. He has games with his father while they observe the clouds.

What recent finding do you think is the most amazing?

The major thing I’ve learned is that time passes more slowly while I’m with my child. Being in the entertainment business was not what I had imagined joy to be. You can’t find joy outside of oneself, like a brass ring. It brings me joy to watch how my son navigates the world.

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