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What Features Online Learning Platforms Should Have?

by Sonal Shukla

Online learning is the new convenient way to reach students as well as follow classes remotely. The choice of an online learning platform will determine your overall experience. Institutions, tutors, and students who pick the right platform study efficiently, enabling them to achieve their learning goals.


Each student, teacher, or institution is looking for some features based on the activities running online. While no platform captures all the features, some will make it easy to learn or teach online. Here are the mandatory features you should look for in an online learning platform.


The platform should be easy to use for the most tech-challenged student in the class. The basic features include video conferencing, voice calls, and sharing files. Pick a platform with natural buttons that mimic the features of ordinary apps. Hire thesis writing services online to complete your assignments and avoid spending all your time in the library trying to complete assignments.

The platform should load your details faster. Registration and account building should be easier. In case it integrates with other applications, they must create a seamless experience. Check reviews by other students or users who have spent time on the platform. If it is easy to use, students, teachers, and administrators will spend most of their time working on their core mandate. It improves productivity and will encourage participants to use the platforms more.


Online learning platforms require customization to help learners to utilize them better. For instance, each student requires an account that is accessible within a few clicks. The account should also capture all the files and details about his studies. The skin should be easy to change into your desired color or theme.

Customization also allows a student to build an account. For instance, the platforms come with add-ons for video calls and file sharing. By customizing a platform, a student will be motivated to use it for learning.

Offline access

It is not always that online learning platforms require students to use the internet. A student may require to review a lesson or access a file shared in class. A platform that is accessible offline reduces internet costs for the student. The student can also utilize the public internet to download and store files for future access. It also helps the student to work offline with minimal disruption from social media notifications.

Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting allows you to access files and platforms from any device or location. All the details of the previous activity will be captured once you log into the account using any device. You avoid being restricted to a particular device, delaying your work.

A cloud-hosted application will make it more efficient to study while traveling. The files you downloaded or activities you participated in will still be valid despite being away from your primary device. In case you change a device due to damage or age, you will still access your account.

Integration with other platforms

Online learning platforms cannot capture all the features you need. You need to link to other platforms that support your activities. For instance, the platform might not host an emailing feature or a graphic design option. To cover for such shortages, the platforms allow easier linkage to such platforms.

The files shared across these platforms should be easy to interpret. Such files should not be distorted or lose some information. Such integration helps you to utilize more features available on other platforms to improve your experience.


Data is helping students, administrators, and tutors to understand their academic performance better. The data is captured in analytics that reveals the areas students could be struggling with. A teacher will, for example, understand the topics or questions where students are spending an unrealistically long time for remedial action. Such data also helps individuals to avoid wasting time on topics that they already understand.

Mobile Capability

The online learning platform should be accessible on mobile. Mobile phones, iPads, and tablets are becoming popular way to access the internet. With mobile capability, you can follow classes and learning materials wherever you are. It makes work easier for students and teachers.

Check reviews of online learning platforms by students, teachers, parents, administrators, and other stakeholders using these platforms. Pick a platform with a combination of features that will make it easier to learn. Consider the capability of every student to ensure that the entire class has a uniform experience.

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