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What Is A Side Hustle?

by Sonal Shukla

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of a “side hustle” has taken center stage as more and more people seek to diversify their income streams and pursue passion projects.

A staggering 40% of US households now have a side hustle, supplementing their primary job with additional work that not only brings in extra cash but also offers opportunities for personal growth and skill development.

But what exactly is a side hustle, and why should you consider starting one? We’ll dive deep into this thriving phenomenon in our blog post, providing valuable insights on its benefits, tips for success, and how it can contribute to your overall happiness.

Key Takeaways

A side hustle is a form of supplementary work that individuals undertake outside of their primary job to pursue passion projects, earn additional income or develop new skills.
Having a side hustle not only provides extra income but also allows for pursuing passion projects and developing new skills, which can increase overall happiness and job satisfaction.
To start and maintain a successful side hustle, it’s important to identify your skills and interests, determine your time and resources, set realistic goals, and manage your time effectively.
Successful side hustlers work an average of 11-16 hours per week in their business, earning between $16-23 per hour on average.

Definition Of A Side Hustle

According to NoBSIMReviews a side hustle means to have a form of supplementary work that you can undertake outside your primary job, often to pursue a passion project, earn additional income or develop new skills.

Supplementary Work Outside Of Primary Job

A side hustle, as the name suggests, is supplementary work taken on outside of one’s primary job. This additional employment can vary significantly in scope and commitment level, ranging from occasional freelance projects to starting a small business or pursuing creative passions.

One notable aspect of side hustles is that they are often very flexible with time commitments and schedules. Since most people dedicate this kind of work around their existing jobs and priorities, it allows them ample freedom to balance multiple responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.

Provides Additional Income

One of the main benefits of having a side hustle is the extra income it provides. A side hustle can provide a much-needed financial boost, especially in today’s economy where wages may not keep up with the cost of living.

Having additional income from a side hustle can also provide some breathing room for unexpected expenses or allow someone to save more money for future goals like retirement or travel.

Side hustles can range from selling handmade crafts online to tutoring students after work hours, and they offer flexibility and control over how much time one wants to dedicate to them.

Benefits Of Having A Side Hustle

Having a side hustle not only provides extra income but also allows for pursuing passion projects and developing new skills.

Extra Income

One of the primary benefits of having a side hustle is the ability to earn extra income. This additional money can be used for various purposes, such as paying off debt, saving for retirement or emergencies, or even just having more disposable income.

Many people start a side hustle because they want to save up for something specific like buying a house or going on vacation.

Side hustles come in many forms and can typically be started with minimal investment or risk. For example, someone who enjoys crafting could sell their handmade items online through platforms like Etsy.

Alternatively, someone with graphic design skills could take on freelance projects in their spare time using websites like Upwork or Fiverr.

Pursuing Passion Projects

One of the benefits of having a side hustle is that it allows people to pursue passion projects. Working on something you’re passionate about can be incredibly fulfilling, and a side hustle provides the time and resources necessary to pursue such projects without sacrificing your primary income source.

For example, if you love photography but work in finance, you can start a photography business on the side and turn your passion into profit. Some people even find that their side hustle eventually becomes their full-time job because they love it so much! Pursuing passion projects through a side hustle not only adds an extra source of income but also adds excitement and purpose to life.

According to important facts, 37% of people started a side business or project to pursue their passions. Having a hobby or interest that makes money is something many people dream of doing, and starting small by working on it as part of your side gig is an excellent way to test out its potential while still maintaining financial stability.

Additionally, at least 50% of millennials have reportedly pursued some form of entrepreneurship or gig work outside of their regular jobs by taking up freelancing jobs like writing copy for websites or creating social media content for businesses seeking greater online visibility.

Developing New Skills

Having a side hustle is not just about extra income, but it also provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. One of the main benefits of having a side hustle is developing new skills.

For example, if you start a blog or write freelance articles as a side hustle, you will develop your writing and communication skills. Starting an online business will give you experience in marketing, sales, customer service, and financial management.

Moreover, learning new things outside of work has been proven to increase job satisfaction and overall happiness.

Tips For Starting And Maintaining A Successful Side Hustle

To ensure a successful side hustle, identify your skills and interests, determine your time and resources, set realistic goals, and manage your time effectively.

Identify Your Skills And Interests

To start and maintain a successful side hustle, it’s important to identify your skills and interests. This will help you determine what type of work you can do outside of your primary job that will be both fulfilling and profitable.

Think about the things you enjoy doing in your free time or hobbies that could potentially generate income. For example, if you’re skilled at graphic design, you could start offering freelance services on the side.

It’s also essential to assess your strengths and weaknesses honestly. Don’t try to force yourself into something just because it seems like a good opportunity; instead, focus on areas where you excel naturally.

By identifying what sets you apart from others and building upon those strengths, you’ll be more likely to create a successful side hustle that feels authentic and enjoyable for years to come.

Determine Your Time And Resources

Once you’ve identified your skills and interests, it’s important to determine the time and resources you have available for your side hustle. Consider how much time you can realistically commit to your supplementary work without neglecting your primary job or other responsibilities.

This could mean setting specific hours each day or allocating certain days of the week solely for working on your side hustle.

Additionally, think about what resources you’ll need to start and maintain a successful side hustle, such as equipment or tools for a creative project or funds for marketing and advertising.

It’s important to be realistic about what you can invest in initially while also keeping in mind potential long-term costs as your business grows.

Set Realistic Goals

It’s important to set realistic goals when starting and maintaining a successful side hustle. Determine what you want to achieve with your side hustle, whether it’s extra income, pursuing a passion project, or developing new skills.

Start by setting short-term goals that are achievable within a reasonable timeframe. For example, if you’re starting an online business selling handmade jewelry, set a goal to reach a certain number of sales within the first month.

As you progress in your side hustle, continue to reassess and adjust your goals based on your progress and any challenges that arise. Remember that building a successful side hustle takes time and effort, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.

Manage Your Time Effectively

One of the most crucial aspects of operating a side hustle is time management. Since it’s something you’re likely doing outside of your regular job, balancing both can be difficult.

However, effective time management ensures that you’re maximizing the limited hours you have to dedicate to your side hustle. First, prioritize your goals and create a schedule that works best for you.

Learn how long each task takes and plan accordingly, setting small deadlines to keep yourself accountable along the way. Utilize tools such as productivity apps or time tracking software to help stay on track with tasks and deadlines while minimizing distractions.

According to recent statistics from Zippia, successful side hustlers work an average of 11-16 hours per week in their business, earning between $16-23 per hour on average.

This highlights the importance of effectively managing one’s time when generating passive income streams through self-employment or entrepreneurship.


In summary, a side hustle is a supplemental income stream that someone undertakes alongside their regular job. With many benefits such as extra income and pursuing passion projects, it’s no surprise that so many people have embraced the side hustle culture.

Starting and maintaining a successful side hustle requires careful planning, identifying your skills and interests, determining your time and resources, setting realistic goals, and managing your time effectively.

Whether you’re freelancing or starting an online business, there are endless opportunities to turn your passions into profits through entrepreneurship in the gig economy.


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