It is hard to imagine that a customer would abandon their cart of items at brick-and-mortar stores, yet this kind of behavior occurs about 70% in the process of online shopping. Sellers need to provide all relevant information so that potential buyers can make informed decisions before buying something they wouldn’t otherwise have bought due to misinformation found online. This includes things like not mentioning color variations, size charts not given, etc. Always include as much detail about what you’re selling as possible without clogging up descriptions unnecessarily.
The top reasons for abandoned carts are as follows.
- High shipping costs
- Too long delivery time
- Inappropriate payment methods (like missing credit card details, and there’s no Paytm or other options offered either).
- The product is cheaper elsewhere. For example, Amazon has the same item at a lower price than your store. Your expenses must be competitive with those of whatever marketplace you’re selling to win over buyers!
- Missing information about the product
- Very complex checkout process
- No SSL certificate available
As an online retailer, you are probably asking yourself: How do I get my customers to take the final step in the purchase process? What prevents shop visitors from clicking the “Place Order” or “Buy Now” button for the selected product?
What is exactly a checkout process?
A checkout process is a customer’s final step to complete each purchase, which typically includes the following four steps: (1) Contact information, (2) Shipping method, (3) Payment method, and (4) Order review. This generally occurs on an online merchant’s e-commerce website and may involve multiple pages. Each step’s smooth and seamless flow ensures the experience will be optimal for every customer. After all, as an online retailer, your goal is to improve conversions and customer retention.
Success factor checkout optimization in e-commerce Your goal as an online shop owner is to increase your conversion rate. You could do this by improving your checkout pages and guiding users through that process. A lot of shoppers want one thing above all-to shop quickly and easily! As a result, you shouldn’t unnecessarily complicate it for customers looking to buy from your site. In general, setting up a store should be based on well-thought-out concepts; in addition to being user-friendly, several payment methods or shipping options are crucial for success when processing orders.
User-friendly design of the checkout process
This point may be obvious; others may ask themselves: What is a user-friendly shopping cart? What should a shopping cart look like?
Most important features for good usability in the shopping cart:
- Display each product in the shopping cart with an image – In order to make your online shop pleasant, products in the cart should always be displayed with a photo or other visual representation. You can also return to the respective product detail page by clicking on its image, title, or description text.
- Avoid directing customers directly to their carts– Although you may want this for convenience’s sake, it will more than likely send buyers into “buyer’s remorse,” and they’ll abandon transactions feeling pressured if done so automatically without consent.
- Use prominent CTA buttons (like “Complete Order” or “Add to Cart”) for your online shop that help customers find their way through the purchase process. It is not uncommon for visitors who have been shopping on a site for a long time and haven’t seen these important buttons to abandon their carts – so use them!
- Show all costs from beginning to end in an understandable format, like displaying shipping costs as part of the checkout prices or including VAT in advance, rather than at checkout. 100% transparency about additional costs creates trust and plays an essential role in customer journeys by reducing abandoned cart rates and increasing conversion rates. For convincing undecided interested parties, it’s wise to mention free return shipping within this context – more people will buy when they know there are no additional charges involved!
Summary – When optimizing the ordering process, the possibility of guest orders should not be underestimated. An efficient checkout process gives your shop additional structure and points customers in the right direction – to complete the purchase. Online shoppers who spend a long time quickly lose interest in shopping, and it is not uncommon for the shopping cart to be abandoned. Forced registration for a user account in online shops is not popular with most users and is very annoying. It’s no wonder that some lose interest in online shopping and cancel the purchase process. With Nimbbl checkout process you can ease your shopping experiences.