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Why ESG Investors Need to Own Cryptocurrencies?

by Sonal Shukla

As cryptocurrency is growing it generates a thought in investors’ minds. The impact of its social issues and environmental effects is imposing hard on its potential growth. Despite its popularity in the crypto world, it leaves a lot of questions in investors’ minds whose work merges the social and governance issues and environment into their profile of cryptocurrency. Crypto can give you the chance to avail some social benefits and to be your bank. On the other hand, its footprint, hackers’ attacks, and decentralization naturalize its potential down. In order to see more, you can visit Bitcoin Benefits .

The crypto community is continuously discussing these issues. However, there is no doubt that digital currencies are carrying some pros and cons also therefore keep in mind all the factors, that investors should take care of before investing in crypto.

How to Calculate Carbon Intensity

It is a fact that crypto needs a huge energy consumption which is used to generate and verification of the transaction process. This process is also known as mining. The energy consumed by the bitcoin in one year is probably equivalent to the total electricity generated in the Netherlands.

The mining of bitcoin is considered to be more intensive as compared to gold mining. Moreover, a researcher, Jessica Alsford, Global Head of Sustainability news, is the fact that the carbon intensity of Bitcoin is 12 million times that of transactions done by visa credit cards. The transactional verifications affect the carbon intensity to maintain the cryptocurrency network. For instance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency whose name is Ethereum is hopefully going to adopt the proof of work as the proof of work process which is used in Bitcoins needs much more energy as compared to proof of stake.  It has been observed that nowadays mining companies are adopting renewable sources for energy consumption and also their preference for carbon offsetting is tremendous. But it is still a large order as annual power consumed by bitcoin via green energy is equivalent to the entire U.S. Solar system as per the statement of Alsford. Hence the energy consumption will be increased as far as bitcoin and other crypto mining will go in profit. The requirement for energy will be increased with time and this energy will be sourced from greener sources.

Weighing Social Pros and Cons

There is no doubt that instead of the requirement of energy for bitcoins, there are many more qualities that make it an attractive currency that is used by several investors globally with its social benefits like financial inclusion in larger amounts. As cryptocurrency is considered to be the best way to increase access in financial terms for unbanked organizations. It is very easy to access cryptocurrency even with the help of a mobile, or a laptop with a facility of internet connection. The requirements for accessing any financial asset in banks are much more as compared to bitcoins in the banking field.

In addition to these facilities, one more advantage of bitcoin as cryptocurrency is that its transactions are faster than happen in cross-border transactions. In case people want to send money to their relatives in other countries is easier with the use of bitcoin. It would be the best alternative in countries with depreciating local currencies. But when no intermediate is involved during large amounts of transactions, then it could be a good option for unauthorized persons for illegal activities.

Understanding the Role of Governance

As per past practice, there is a clear picture that most of the cryptocurrencies are using blockchain networks that are decentralized and where not even a single entity makes or imposes regulations. As anyone can create a cryptocurrency and the world is still unaware of the invention of bitcoin. The most frequently asked question is who creates the rules about the cryptocurrency and how it would be operated. Is there any committee for the Board of Directors? Do crypto applications always comply with the law? However, it is stated that cryptocurrency argues that such decentralisation is the definition of good government. It is because it has no control via a single entity.

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