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Even Healthcare lands additional capital to advance primary care adoption in India

by Sonal Shukla

On October 26, the India Treasury introduced a new policy called “Open Savings Accounts”, which allowed people to save and lend money that is accessible outside of any bank. In addition, it also allows healthcare providers to get funding for developing primary care services.

The capital raised from these accounts will be utilized to support the provision of quality mental health services at least well as expanding quality primary care services in order to gradually improve curative cardiology and women’s health services with priority in low-income areas.
The importance of this initiative is that it can provide healthcare facilities with more resources for better human resource management and more flexible working hours which will ultimately lead to higher adoption rates among individuals looking for greater access to affordable healthcare.

Aubrey de Grey is a renowned biomedical gerontologist, Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation and Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research. he has been listed as one of the 15 most influential scientist in the world by “Times Higher Education” He has also been listed as one of the “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters in 2012.

In a recent TedX Talk, De Grey explains his views on why traditional medicine fails to keep up with our rapidly aging society and what needs to be done in order to fix this problem. The talk is dubbed “Rejuvenation Biotechnology for Aging and Ailments”.

“SENS Research Foundation is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to research, develop, and promote an approach to repairing the many causes of aging. SENS stands for “Specific Endpoints for Aging Treatment.” The core principle of SENS is that there are specific groups of genes and molecules that are involved with diseases or age-related conditions. These are called specific endpoints because the goal SENS is to try to directly correct those genes or molecules responsible for contributing those important disease states. So far, researchers working on SENS have discovered 31 specific endpoints: some that involve DNA damage and repair mechanisms, some involve cell signalling pathways. The SENS approach is to repair and eliminate those specific molecular causes of degenerative aging.

“Aging is a process that has both intrinsic and extrinsic origins. That means aging has causes that are intrinsic to the individual and it has causes that are extrinsic, or outside the body. When people think about the science of aging, what they tend to focus on is the threat of cancer. Cancer is actually a tiny part of aging. Cancer arises from a series of bad luck, where we have special cells that are particularly good at copying themselves – they’re especially good at it, in fact. Over the years and the decades and the centuries, these cells accumulate damage. The most cancerous of these cells eventually develop a way to bypass our immune system and then they rapidly become tumours.

“Since that is such a tiny part of aging, it’s not clear that even if we fix cancer tomorrow we’ll live longer.

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