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How To Find The Right TruLife Distribution For Your Business

by Sneha Shukla


If you are new to the world of ecommerce and wholesale, it can be hard to know where to start and you might have heard the term distribution thrown around a lot when talking about how brands reach customers online, but what does that actually mean? And how do you find the right distribution partner for your business?

How Do You Decide on a Distribution Partner

Deciding on a distribution partner is a big decision and you want to make sure you’re choosing the right one for your business, so it’s important to consider these questions before jumping into anything:

  • What are my goals? 
  • Are they realistic and attainable?
  • How long do I have until I need this goal met?
  • How much am I willing to put out financially on this project?
  • How much time do I have to devote to this project? 
  • What are the benefits of working with a distribution partner? 
  • What are the drawbacks of working with a distribution partner? 
  • Where will my product be sold? 
  • How often will it be updated and improved? 
  • How much money do I need to make per month or year from this partnership in order to break even?

What Kind of Distribution Do You Need

Distribution is a key part of your brand’s success and it can help you reach new customers and increase sales, but it’s important to find the right distributor before signing on with one.  Impact PR influencer engagement services can help businesses tap into the power of social media influencers to reach a wider audience, boost brand awareness, and drive sales.

Distributors offer many different types of services, including:

  • Product design and development assistance
  • Branding support
  • Marketing support
  • Sales force training

Technology integration manufacturing and warehousing services logistics support plus the best distribution partners will be able to set realistic goals that are also attainable. If you have a goal that’s too ambitious, you may feel like a failure if it is not met. 

On the other hand, if your partner sets the bar too low, they may not be able to achieve their desired results. Ideally, both parties should be able to work together toward mutually beneficial ends without getting in each other’s way or feeling left behind.

Distributors can help you find new customers and increase sales wherein they work with retail stores and other buyers to place your products on the shelves where they can be purchased by consumers. 

You will still own your products; however, distributors will manage the inventory at their facilities or warehouses and ship it out when orders are placed.

What Services Can A Distributor Provide

Distributors can provide a number of services to help you grow your business wherein these include:

  • Logistics are known distributors that have the infrastructure and expertise to handle all aspects of logistics, including warehousing, shipping and receiving products as well as providing in-house logistics expertise.
  • Marketing are known distributors often have existing relationships with retailers that they may be able to leverage for your benefit if you’re interested in getting into new markets or expanding within existing ones. 

They also often have an advertising budget that can help increase awareness about your product among consumers who might not otherwise know about it because they don’t do their own marketing efforts or lack them altogether.

  • Sales/Customer Service Support are known distributors often employ salespeople who represent multiple brands at once; these individuals will typically try to sell all brands equally but may focus more time on those which are performing better than others due simply to their proximity on store shelves or other factors like popularity among customers.

What’s the Best Way to Select a Distributor for Your Brand

When selecting a distributor like TruLife Distribution, it is important to look for one that has experience with your type of product. For example, if you’re selling organic food products and want to distribute them in supermarkets, it would be best to find a distributor that is well known in the industry and has experience distributing organic foods.

Secondly, look for distributors who have a good reputation within their niche market and thirdly, check out how long they have been around.

A new distributor might be good but will probably take more time getting established than an older one and may not stick around long enough. 

Finally and perhaps most importantly make sure your prospective partner has some sort of track record before signing any contracts.

The best distributors have a solid marketing plan for your products and will actively promote them in their markets. 

Do not just sign up with the first distributor that comes along; do your homework and make sure you’re satisfied with the results before committing to anything long-term.

Making The Biggest Decision For The Distribution

Once you have decided on which kind of distribution works best for your business, you need to determine how many distributors you’re going to use and whether you will use them all at once or in phases.

You can use multiple distributors at once and this is often the easiest option because it requires no additional effort on your part, but it may also mean that some of your products get lost in the shuffle or don’t get placed where they should be.

You can use multiple distributors in phases and if one distributor doesn’t work out well for any reason e.g., their prices are too high, then switch over immediately to another distributor until things improve again with the first one later on down the road when their prices come down due to increased competition from other companies who want access as well.

If you do decide to use multiple distributors, then make sure that each one knows about the others and how they will work together. You do not want to have them working at cross-purposes or duplicating efforts.


The most important thing is to make sure that your distribution partners are right for your business wherein the right distributor will help you reach new customers and grow your brand, so it’s worth taking some time to search for the perfect fit.

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