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Must-Know Facts About IOT Security

by Sneha Shukla

The Internet of Things (IoT) provides excellent opportunities for companies to cut costs, boost productivity and accelerate digital transformation. However, the increased connectivity of devices presents security risks.

For example, it’s common for manufacturers to hardcode passwords or encryption keys into IoT devices to streamline deployment. It creates vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

Multi-Factor Authentication

IoT security must include multi-factor authentication (MFA), which is essential. Hackers need help breaking into networks and obtaining sensitive information when many forms of identification documentation are required to validate a user’s identity. MFA can be implemented in various ways, including SMS codes, one-time passwords, or biometric data.

MFA is crucial for IoT because it provides a security layer beyond simple passwords or other single-factor authentication methods. With the growing number of IoT devices, implementing MFA is vital to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information.

Authentication is an essential part of IoT security, as it helps to determine whether a device should be granted access to the network. IoT devices have limited resources, so they require a lightweight authentication mechanism that is easy to process. In addition, IoT devices need to be able to detect attacks and respond to them in real time.

The proliferation of IoT devices is streamlining processes across industries, from health care to smart homes. However, the increased connectivity of IoT devices improves the potential for unauthorized access and tampering. Unless these devices are properly secured, hackers could access an entire system and alter functionality or steal sensitive information. Implementing multi-factor authentication is crucial to ensuring the integrity of IoT systems far into the future.

Changing Passwords Regularly

What is IOT security? IoT security is the set of practices that protect connected IoT devices and their networks. IoT security is a necessary component of any business’ cybersecurity strategy. IoT devices collect and transmit much sensitive and personal data that bad actors can use to cause damage and steal valuable information. Protecting IoT endpoints and the data they collect helps businesses protect themselves from financial losses, reputational damage, and regulatory violations.

Many Internet of Things (IoT) devices lack security features, making them susceptible to hacker attacks. Often, they lack a mechanism to update their firmware or software, so it is crucial to change device passwords regularly and implement strong authentication policies. Additionally, it is essential to consider how IoT devices integrate with other IT systems and the network. For example, it is crucial to ensure that IoT devices are accounted for in asset management systems and IT/OT monitoring/alerting systems so they can be tracked, monitored, and responded to quickly when security or operational issues arise.

IoT security also includes protecting data transfers and the location of cloud-connected devices. Many IoT devices transfer information to the cloud without encryption, making it easier for attackers to access data. In addition, IoT devices are sometimes located in remote locations, which makes them harder to monitor and secure. For example, hackers have exploited car IoT devices to remotely control their functions, such as the air conditioner, radio, and windshield wipers.


As technology continues to evolve, so too does the threat of cyberattacks. Many companies must implement suitable security measures when developing IoT devices, which can risk their return on investment and customer safety. It can be due to a lack of internal expertise, rushing a product to market, or failure to understand IoT security’s importance.

IoT data is precious for hackers and cybercriminals, so businesses must implement robust encryption as a critical aspect of IoT security. This type of protection scrambles readable sensitive information into unreadable “ciphertext,” which can only be decoded using a key. It helps prevent hackers from accessing and intercepting data in transit or while stored on servers and protects end-user privacy.

The best way to implement security is through a process known as Security-by-Design, which ensures that each device’s identity and security functions are protected from the beginning of its lifecycle. It includes pre-embedded keys and credentials, simplified data enrollment on external platforms, secure digital signatures, and over-the-air device and software updates. This approach allows for the in-depth defense principle, which means that if an attacker thwarts one mechanism, other mechanisms remain in place to mitigate damage.

The most critical factor in securing an IoT system is to start as early as possible, which can reduce risks and costs by 60 to 80 times more than adding security measures after a breach. By putting security at the forefront of your IoT development, you can avoid costly and damaging data breaches that could harm your business’s reputation.

Network Segmentation

Network segmentation is the act of breaking a more extensive network down into smaller logical segments. This method allows for devices on the same network segment to communicate freely. Still, any communication with other networks must go through a central point (like a firewall or router). It provides the opportunity to inspect and apply security policies. This practice is beneficial because it limits the scope of any potential attacks.

In addition to the benefits of increased internal security, network segmentation helps improve performance by reducing network congestion. Limiting the number of devices connected to each subnet makes it easier for the network to handle a large amount of data without overloading. It is significant for organizations that need to support many employees or customers who rely on the Internet for work or communications.

Another reason why network segmentation is an essential aspect of IoT security is because it prevents attackers from moving across a corporate network after successfully breaching one division. It creates walls of protection around each division, preventing hackers from accessing sensitive information from other subnets. It is similar to how watertight compartments in a ship allow for continued sailing even when one hull compartment takes on water. It also helps reduce accidental or purposeful data leaks within the organization by enforcing specific user permissions for each segment.

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