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Which Project Will Replace Blockchain?

by Sonal Shukla

The directed acyclic graph (DAG) has been proposed as a remedy. In comparison to the other technologies, it is highly unique. No matter how many computer resources or tokens a customer has, their opinion is just as valuable as another’s. Since DAG is a blockchain-free solution, it resolves a number of blockchain-related concerns, such as the oligopoly issue with mining pools and the inability to expedite the validation process. Learn more: https://bitcoin-equaliser.com/

Every new transaction in a DAG-based cryptocurrency validates one or earlier transactions. Transactions execute a directed graph design without guided cycles as a consequence. The first cryptocurrency notion, DagCoin, was created in 2012. The next initiative became Byteball in 2015, a new cryptocurrency without a blockchain built on DAG. Later, in 2016, a DAG-based description of Tangle technology was released.

IOTA, a cryptocurrency without a blockchain that aims to improve the way things are paid for online, uses Tangle as its architecture. Although the DAG idea is still extremely fresh and not often discussed, its potential is highly intriguing, and at some point, those working in the field of cryptocurrencies will become acquainted with its advantages.

Alternatives To Blockchain

Due to the excitement surrounding cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, where trading is effectively done using bitcoin trading software and Dogecoin, blockchain has gained popularity.Corporations have also noted blockchain technology’s potential to enhance decentralized transactions’ visibility and integrity.

Despite the assurances, blockchain adoption has been gradual after the proof of concept. The early blockchain technology’s comparatively poor performance has been a major problem. The initial blockchain systems could only ensure the legitimacy of transactions after up to an hour had passed.

They were also restricted to a few transactions per second. There are a number of blockchainsolutions that function better. Organizations may want to take these into account in order to lower costs, simplify production, and lessen integration difficulties.

1. Databases that are centralized

Decentralization involves extra work to keep several versions of the data and ensure consistency by nature. Blockchains also significantly increase the amount of computing and energy required. Although the decentralization of the database may thrill the blockchaincommunity, maintaining a single highly optimized system of record in a centralized database has actual benefits.

Although the performance of more recent blockchain implementations is improving, it still lags below what is feasible with a properly run centralized database. In contrast to the Bitcoin system, which can only support a few transactions per second, the Visa network can process Sixty-five thousand transactions per second. There is an opportunity for growth because VisaNet now average two thousand transactions per second.

2. Cloud storage

Blockchain is often presented as a method of decentralized data storage. However, the cost of blockchain storage is high. According to one estimation, storing one megabyte of data on the Ethereum platform would cost around USD 13,820 as opposed to just a few pennies using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

3. Distributed Databases

Distributed databases, which use a mixture of duplication and replication to guarantee data integrity and consistency, have been available for years from major database suppliers like Microsoft. To facilitate the development of a decentralized, peer-to-peer database that runs without a conventional blockchain, the OrbitDB open-source project has recently come into being.

This enables businesses to create decentralized applications that operate when the web is turned off and sync with other database nodes when it is turned on. It may also make it possible to share data in a way that protects confidentiality and makes data usage transparent. Another characteristic of a blockchain, OrbitDB, is built upon a distributed file system that permits functioning even if one node fails.


One of the key advantages of the DAG architecture is that it enables applications to publish data quickly, while it takes a bit longer for the transaction to be verified than it would on a private blockchain where certain activities require authorization.

Guidelines are frequently incorporated into the protocol to resolve these problems, and the applications must be programmed to alert users when problems occur.

It would be silly not to be on the watch for anything superior, even though the benefits of blockchain applications are undeniable and the majority of experts believe it can be used to threaten a wide range of businesses.

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